August 30, 2021

Display changes, another "undo" and more ILL enhancements Mon 8/30

Several enhancements are coming to the NHAIS ILL System tonight (Monday, Aug. 30). The system will be unavailable for up to 15 minutes starting at 10 o'clock to install program updates.

When viewing a full record (detail screen), scrolling made the page navigation buttons at the top (Go Back, Details, Where to Find It, and MARC Display) unavailable and staff users with a long list of functions on the left often had to scroll to the bottom of the record to see the full list. Improvements have been made to the full record display to address these issues.

On full size screens (desktop or laptop):
When you start to scroll a new “sticky” banner will display along the top of the record that includes the back arrow, Title/Author, and page navigation chips:

Scrolling a bit more will adjust the left sidebar so that all of the actions are available without needing to scroll to the bottom of the record:

On mobile screens:
The sticky banner will display when scrolling through a full record. The arrow in the lower right provides access to page navigation:

When continuing to scroll, click the three dots in the banner to open the list of actions:

Another enhancement being installed tonight continues the expansion of "undo" options with the addition of an Undo Lost function for the borrower (the same function for lenders was introduced earlier this month).

If the borrower has marked a request as Lost in error, they will now have the ability to use Undo Lost.
-The Lost status is in the borrower’s “Items awaiting trading partner response” list.
-The action will revert the request to its previous status.
-The request history information will include a status change of Undo Lost.
-This option is only available to the borrower who marked the request as Lost; the borrower cannot use Undo Lost for requests marked Lost by the lender.
-Undo Lost counts will be included as a new column in the Activity and Request Reports for Borrowing Activity and Lending Activity, immediately following the Lost count.
-NOTE: The borrower ability to apply Undo Lost will be effective for requests marked Lost after tonight's program update. Requests that were marked Lost prior to this release will not be able to be marked Undo Lost.


General reminders for “undo” options:
-The “undo” status options will be available for 7 calendar days after the initial status change of the request. If more than 7 days have passed, or if the status has changed, the “undo” option will no longer be available for that request.
-The exception to the above is Undo Shipped which is available until overnight processing on the day the request status was changed to Shipped.
-The "undo” status options are available from the status request list for individual or batch updating and from the Borrower’s or Lender’s Full Request Record Display (dependent on the role performing the undo action).

Another change coming to the ILL program involves matching of bibliographic records in the lender list build process, which has been adjusted so that if leader position 06 contains an “a” (language material) or “t” (manuscript language material) the program will no longer validate based on the 007. For items designated as language material, the validation will proceed to the 008 position 23 for a match. Checking the 007 for language material was causing the lender list build process to miss some potential lenders because relatively few MARC records for books currently include the field.

Tonight's updates also include a bug fix: guest users (anyone not logged in to the NHAIS ILL System) were seeing the Request This Item button on the list view (although they'd be stopped from creating a request by a login prompt if they clicked Request This Item). This has been corrected.

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