July 24, 2024

A Mid-Year ILL Check-in (pun intended!)

In 2023, according to NHAIS Interlibrary Loan statistics, more than 167,000 items were loaned between New Hampshire’s libraries! This is an increase of more than 10% from almost 149,000 loans in 2022!

Periodically, the New Hampshire State Library (NHSL) staff review the Inter-library Loan (ILL) circulations stats and adjust our van routes accordingly. Most libraries will not see a change in their schedule. We will reach out directly to any libraries that will have either an increase or decrease in delivery day. If you have not heard from Jill, our van service coordinator, there are no pending changes to your delivery service.

Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions about this or any other ILL service questions. My email address is mindy.atwood@dncr.nh.gov.

Finally, I’d like to give a HUGE shoutout to our van drivers (and the NHSL circ and reference staff who have been subbing for our van drivers). They battled through pretty intense heat and humidity for about two and a half weeks to keep the wheels rolling and the books moving. I know we are all grateful for their efforts.

All my best,

Mindy Atwood
Assistant State Librarian :: Administrator of Library Operations
New Hampshire State Library


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