July 26, 2024

Request Manager oddities Fri 7/26

Friday, July 26, 8:55 a.m.: It's been a week since numerous problems began to appear in the NHAIS ILL System and Auto-Graphics continues to work on the issues.

The most widely observed issue is one you can take care of yourself. If you see columns are missing from the list displays in Request Manager, click on the gear icon and select the columns you'd like to display. What's shown is up to you but, as a guideline, here's what's most commonly displayed in BORROWER lists:

Req No.
Patron Name

And on the LENDER side:

Attached Note
Last Day
Req No.
Pub Date
Call No.

Due Date, Author, Format, and LastStatusChgDate are also frequently displayed where appropriate. Each library is assigned 3 usernames in the ILL program and different display settings can be saved for each username.

Another issue, which affects only a handful of libraries, is a significant drop in incoming requests. This applies to the small set of libraries whose Z-targets are not configured to report availability status. The only requests turning up in their Lender's Pending Lists now are ones created before last Friday. This has been identified as a problem in the lender list build process and Auto-Graphics is working on it.

The NHAIS Help Desk hasn't heard from any users unable to log into the system but apparently it's an issue for SHAREit users elsewhere in the country. We've heard this tip from Pennsylvania:

We found that the following worked with both Chrome and Firefox:  
1. In your browser, delete your cookies from the last seven days (or back to before Thursday of last week)
2. Close browser
3. Reboot your computer
4. Then you should be able to log in just fine and see your dashboard

If you encounter an "error 500" screen, your best bet is to try a different browser.

One library has reported getting borrower notifications about new requests needing approval when the requests didn't really need approval. Auto-Graphics has identified the cause and is working to correct this.

Contact the NHAIS Help Desk (603-271-2141 or nhu-pac@dncr.nh.gov) for further assistance.

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