July 24, 2024

Request Manager oddities Wed 7/24

Wednesday, July 24, 10:20 a.m.: The NHAIS Help Desk is still hearing from ILL users seeing different-from-usual displays in Request Manager, particularly when viewing lists of titles--or encountering a "500 Internal Server Error" screen. If you run into the latter, please try a different browser.

If you're missing columns in the list view, click the gear icon and select what you'd like to display.

Two new columns were added with last Thursday's program update. Depending on the status being viewed, they may appear next to the push-pin (note attached) or flag (request about to move to next location on lender list) or house (owned by your library) icons.

These columns are for features not used in our system so you can uncheck "ISSI Lender" and "Outside Library" through that gear icon. We're looking into getting this changed for all libraries.

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