August 9, 2024

Request Manager oddities Fri 8/9

Friday, Aug. 9: It's been 3 weeks since our ILL program began presenting a host of problems. The biggest issue involved the lender list build process, with several libraries being left off lender lists of requests created after July 18. Those libraries saw their number of requests from other libraries dwindle to nothing. As of this week, I believe this has been fixed for all locations. If you're still getting nothing in your Lender's Pending List, please let the NHAIS Help Desk know via e-mail or phone 603-271-2141.

Other issues remain. If you're missing columns you used to see in Request Manager lists, you can fix that yourself.

When using Multi Copy you may still see an exaggerated number of lenders responding message but that doesn't affect functionality.

One more thing: please remember to direct your NHAIS issues to the NHAIS Help Desk rather than to my e-mail address (or Christine's or Mary's). There's always a pair of eyes monitoring the NHAIS Help Desk inbox whenever the State Library is open. The same cannot be said of addresses for individuals, given vacations, sickness, conferences, etc.

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