February 20, 2025

NHAIS fixes and enhancements Thu 2/20 10pm

The NHAIS ILL System will be offline briefly tonight (Thursday, Feb. 20) starting at 10 o'clock to install software fixes and enhancements.

-When labels are selected in Print Shipping Labels, you will now be required to confirm when the Delete option is selected. A message will display asking “Are you sure you want to delete the selected label(s)?” with options to “Click OK to delete the label(s)” or “Click Cancel to return to the print queue”. This confirmation will prevent labels from being mistakenly deleted when the Delete button is selected rather than the adjacent Format to Print button. 

-The Article Date fields on the Non-Returnable request form are for Year, Month/Season, and Date. The Year field is free-text and intended for a 4-digit year. If something other than 4 digits is entered, the request could be submitted but the data in the Year field was deleted. This has been corrected: if more than 4 digits are entered in the Year field and the Month/Season and Date fields are blank, the data in the Year field will now be retained.

February 19, 2025

How Do You Do Dewey?

The Dewey Decimal Classification is managed by OCLC which offers an electronic version known as WebDewey. This product gives you electronic access to all the tools you need to use the DDC. You can learn more by viewing the downloadable demo.

The NHSL has negotiated a group subscription to this resource to make it available to NH public libraries at a reduced cost. Each participating library gets one authorization number and password which allows them to log in to WebDewey. This authorization may be used by multiple staff at each participating library, though not simultaneously. Libraries may share their access with another library if they wish to do so, but the authorizations only support one user at a time and a single library must sign the agreement and pay the full invoice to NHSL.

The NHSL subscription runs from May 1 to April 30 and you need to sign up BEFORE March 20, 2025 to get the discounted rate of $325 per authorization.  

To sign up (whether you are continuing a previous subscription or starting a new one) please complete the NHSL WebDewey form and return it to NHSL/NHAIS before 3/20/2025.


February 18, 2025

NHSL network issues resolved

Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2:25 p.m.: Internet and phone service has been restored at the State Library.

NHSL network issues

Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1:55 p.m.: The State Library in Concord is experiencing network problems this afternoon. Internet and telephones are affected. If you're having trouble reaching us today, please try again later.

Holidays and Retry

Starting with Independence Day last year, NHAIS Services has been setting all locations in the ILL system to be on vacation for certain holidays. The goal is to avoid automatic time-outs by allowing an extra day for a potential lender to respond to a request. It's not supposed to interfere with creating and responding to requests on the holiday for those libraries that choose to do so--but we have evidence of requests created Monday (Presidents Day) going immediately to Retry status when they should have stopped at a potential lender who'd be back in business Tuesday. If this happened to you, choose Approved-Send and Submit for your requests in Retry. We've reported the issue to Auto-Graphics support.

February 14, 2025

Monday, February 17,2025

The  State Library will be closed on Monday, February 17,2025 to observe President’s Day. There will be NO van deliveries that day. Have a nice weekend.

Jill M Witham

February 13, 2025

A note regarding Public Library Survey submissions

For some reason, when folks submit their completed PLS, our survey provider, Counting Opinions, has been emailing a response back to the submitter with the subject line that “NH Public Library Survey is now Open!” and including the submitter’s login information.

It should not be doing that.

Instead, it should be sending you an acknowledgement e-mail thanking you for all your hard work and letting you know that I’ll be reviewing your survey and will get back to you if I have any questions.  

So, to everyone who has submitted their Public Library Survey so far – thank you for all your hard work!  I’ll be reviewing your survey and will get back to you if I have any questions.

(Note: I have submitted a request to the LibPAS Technical Support folks to find out why the wrong email is being sent. I tried to find the answer myself, but I had to admit defeat.)

Thanks for listening/reading. Let me know if you have questions and please enjoy the rest of your Thursday.

Be well,

Jennifer M. Finch, MSLIS
Reference Librarian and State Data Coordinator
New Hampshire State Library

LR route truncated Thu 2/13

The Lakes Region driver decided to call it a day and head back to Concord.
Libraries that will not receive a delivery on the Lakes Region Route today (Thursday, Feb.13) are:

New Durham

I’m sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused.

Jill M Witham
Van Service Coordinator
New Hampshire State Library

Only LR van running Thu 2/13

The only van route receiving deliveries today (so far) (Thursday, Feb. 13) is the Lakes Region. The libraries receiving deliveries are:

New Durham

All other van routes are cancelled due to inclement weather and dangerous road conditions. If the Lakes Region driver decides to call off his route, I will send another email to let everyone know. Safe travels to anyone on the roads today.

Jill M Witham
Van Service Coordinator
New Hampshire State Library