February 5, 2021

Public library annual report is open

I am throwing open the doors on the annual report. I apologize for the delay. There were some technical issues with the software. They should be straightened out now. If you experience any issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help!

I should point out that the system will not let you type in ‘-1’ for a response and it doesn’t like when you try. If you see that as your response from last year, that means you selected ‘Unavailable.’ If a number is ‘Unavailable’ again this year, click the check box next to ‘Unavailable’ or select it from the drop down menu, with the latter being the case on ‘Website Visits,’ a perennial favorite for ‘Unavailable.’

The link is: https://nh.countingopinions.com/  Your login info. is the same as last year. If you have it, you can start now. I will be sending out login info. now and it will come from my email, but always remember to check your spam folder.

The deadline is Monday, May 3 at 8:00 am. Other resources: annual report guide and worksheet. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Tim Rohe
Reference Librarian/State Data Coordinator
New Hampshire State Library

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