June 21, 2021

ILL System Enhancement Wishes

Over the summer Auto-Graphics will be seeking input from NHSL staff on what enhancements we would like to see made in Share-it (the software that the NHAIS ILL System runs on. These requested enhancements will become part of the massive wish-list that all the Auto-Graphics User Group members will vote on. NHSL is a member of this group and, like all the other systems using the product, gets one vote.

In preparation for this we are seeking input from the people who use the NHAIS ILL System to find out what your enhancement wish-list might include.

There is a single-page survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NHAISwishlist which will remain open until Sunday, July 11, 2021 to collect your suggestions. If you have more than one enhancement suggestion, please complete the survey once for each suggestion.


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