July 1, 2021

New list-sharing functionality

The NHAIS ILL System will be offline for up to 15 minutes starting at 10 o'clock tonight (Thursday, July 1) to allow installation of a new feature which will allow some but not all users to share saved lists of titles with other users at the same library.

This new functionality is useful only in certain circumstances. Sharing lists with patrons will work where patron-initiated requesting is enabled and patrons regularly log into the ILL system. The option to share lists with other staff applies only where staffers use different usernames to log into the NHAIS ILL System.

For all users, the e-mail option will still work to send lists to patrons and, for staff using the same login, you already see the same saved lists anyway. The new feature adds a Share button next to the Delete, Print, Email, and Save buttons that are already part of Your Lists. (And if there's another feature you'd like to see added to the ILL program, remember that NHAIS Services is seeking suggestions through July 11.)

Steps to share a list:
1.    In Your Lists, open the list you want to share
2.    Select all or some of the records in the list
3.    Click the Share button
4.    The “Share with:” field will display – enter the patron barcode number to share with a patron, or enter a staff username to share with another staff member
5.    Click the Share button; a “Success OK” message will display

Steps to Accept or Decline a shared list:

When a list has been shared with you, a red notification will display on the Your Lists icon with a number indicating how many lists have been shared. The notification will display upon login.

When you click the Your Lists icon, the display will indicate who shared a list, the list name, the number of items in the list, and the date it was shared.


•    Click Accept to add the list to  your lists
•    Click Decline to not accept the list
•    Click Close to close the pop-up window--a shared list will remain available until you accept or decline it
•    If more than one list was shared, click the Your Lists icon again to Accept or Decline the next shared list

In the example above, the “Library Book List” was accepted but the “new” list was declined.

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