Why a blog?
This blog was created to replace NHU-PAC News which published its last issue recently. Why a blog? It will allow us to get news out in a more timely fashion than accumulating items for the next issue of NHU-PAC News. It will provide a searchable archive of past items. It will let you see all postings on a single topic like interlibrary loan, cataloging, or searching (use the links at the right marked "posts by topic"). It will also provide a place -- outside of the state computer system -- where you can check for system news. When a listserv, or a NHU-PAC function, or the whole NHU-PAC is out of whack we plan to post that information here so you will know what is going on.
A Blog also gives you a choice of how you get the news: you can read it on the Web or have postings e-mailed to you as individual messages or daily digests or have postings fed to you via RSS or Atom feeds. The State Library's Electronic Information Resources section is joining NHAIS Services in contributing to NHAIS Notes so you'll find news about NHewLink in addition to items about the NHU-PAC.
We plan to spotlight library related blogs as we come across them. The first one -- you'll find a feed from it in the lower right of this page -- is the Audiobooks blog Bobbi Slossar created for the NHSL Overdrive project. If your library has a blog, or if you read one you think others might be interested in, let me know by emailing me. (mrussell @ library.state.nh.us)