December 11, 2006

Removing NHU-PAC holdings

Recently, a few libraries have sent NHAIS Services files of MARC records with requests to delete their NHU-PAC holdings for the titles represented. NHAIS Services cannot do this. It is up to you to delete holdings for your discards. The process is similar to adding holdings directly to the NHU-PAC: search the database for the appropriate record(s), add to My List (if doing more than one deletion), click on Holdings Maintenance and log in with your cataloging password. If you have a list of from 2 to 30 titles (inclusive), you may use the batch delete function; it's the second grey Click Here button on the page and will remove all holdings for all records in the list regardless of whether you have one, none, or several holdings on the individual titles. If you have 1 record, or more than 30, or wish to selectively remove some holdings while retaining others, you'll need to scroll down and click the Delete Holding button below a title; at the next screen you'll get to specify which holding you want removed. Call the NHAIS Help Desk at 271-2141 if you'd like to have someone walk you through this process.

Something to keep in mind when searching the NHU-PAC: you may have a holding on a title even though you don't immediately see your library listed. Holdings are sorted alphabetically by HSA code (in the Collection column) and pages with multiple hits will display only up to the first 100 holdings per title while pages with just one hit will show 20 holdings with the option to view additional holdings ("More Results") at the bottom.