OCLC's Bibliographic Formats and Standards Updated
OCLC’s Bibliographic Formats and Standards has been completely updated with information from recent technical bulletins. The updated Bib Formats is now available online. This document provides details on all the MARC tags used in OCLC records (and thus in NHU-PAC records.)
The updates include the following information from recent technical bulletins which are now obsolete and no longer available from OCLC:
TB 240: Pinyin Conversion Project
TB 241: National Library Control Number Changes
TB 242: OCLC Symbol Expansion
TB 244: OCLC MARC Format Update 2001
TB 246: Database Enrichment
TB 247: OCLC-MARC Format Update 2002
TB 249: OCLC-MARC Format Update 2003
TB 250: Parallel Records
TB 251: Connexion WorldCat Searching
TB 252: OCLC-MARC Format Update 2006
TB 253: ISBN and OCLC Number Changes
In addition to the material from technical bulletins, the first five chapters of Bibliographic Formats and Standards have also been completely updated and revised.
The first five chapters are also available in Spanish. The revision of Bibliographic Formats and Standards remains ongoing and the printed edition is scheduled for the third quarter of 2007. Printed copies of Bib Formats will be available from OCLC for $40.00, plus shipping and handling. (And will be out of date as soon as they are printed -- so stick with the online edition.)