NHU-PAC indexing issue
Looking for brand new materials in the NHU-PAC and not finding them? Try doing a browse search (not an option for the ILL program).
Our indexing for keyword searches currently has a lot of catching up to do following some maintenance work. We've added more than a thousand new bibliographic records to the NHU-PAC in the past week but it'll be another day or two before you can find any of them through keyword searches.
When you do a keyword search in the NHU-PAC, your search is run against various indexes rather than looking through all the records in the database. This is akin to looking at a book's index rather than flipping through all its pages to find a piece of information. Normally, new additions are indexed within two or three minutes of being added to the NHU-PAC but right now it's taking several days. We expect the backlog to clear up over the weekend.
Separately, NHAIS Services is catching up on moving holdings submitted through the Add Brief Records form onto full records. This was running several weeks behind in the past month and we noticed some users were submitting their holdings multiple times because they didn't see their original submission show up in the NHU-PAC in a timely fashion.