February 25, 2020

Enhancements and fixes 2/25

The Modify Search option currently appears at the top of the search results page--to the right of the "Page 1: 1773 total results" note when matching records are found or above the "No results were found for the term(s) used" note when your search yields no results. Starting tonight (Feb. 25), Modify Search will also be available on the full record display as the last item in the function menu on the left.

The NHAIS Interlibrary Loan System will be offline for up to 15 minutes starting at 10 o'clock tonight to implement this enhancement and the following fixes:

-Batch updates for the Undo Shipped status have been adjusted so that only requests marked as Shipped that day will be able to have the Undo Shipped status applied and revert to Pending status. Requests that were marked as Shipped prior to the last overnight processing will not be updated and a message will display stating “Some requests could not be updated.” Those requests will remain in Shipped status.
-Logged-in patrons were not able to access attached documents for non-returnables (articles from serials) in their accounts under Items from Other Libraries; the attachments were only available for staff. Patrons will now see a link for an Electronic Attachment in the Request Details section.
-If the “Forgot Password” function was used but the user was not at their library’s URL, the user saw a message that their username was invalid. To ensure the username is associated with the correct library, the “Forgot Password” function now requires the user to select their library from a list, as when logging in to SHAREit.
-The “Searches with Zero Results” report was not providing accurate results. This has been corrected, and the results now display with the most recent search at the top of the list.
-A circle-p character in the full record display was causing a display problem for other portions of the full record. This has been corrected.

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