February 11, 2020

Sorting of Your List coming soon

The ability to sort will soon be available in Your List. When viewing a list, you'll be able to select an option from the Sort By menu to change the sort order from Title (default sort) to Author, ISBN, or Publisher.

This enhancement will be implemented tonight (2/11) shortly after 10 o'clock. Expect about 15 minutes of downtime for the NHAIS Interlibrary Loan System. At the same time, these fixes will be applied to the system:

-The Request icon was not displaying on the brief record view even when it was displaying on the initial search results and on the full record. It will now display on all views.
-The Request icon and button on the full record was displaying for etypes for patrons and guests. To correct this, the overriding policy was adjusted to match v5 [NHAIS has been on SHAREit v6 since launch]: patrons and guests will not see the option to request e-type materials, but staff will see the Request button on the full record.
-The Request button was not displaying for all formats on the full record even when requestable. This has been corrected.
-The Request icon was not always displaying in the search results in Clustered display even if there was only one format on the record. This has been corrected.
-When running Activity and Request reports for selected libraries by using the “Library Code” option, the resulting report did not list each library. This has been corrected.
-In Lender Statistics, the Average Days to Supply was displaying a zero. The code has been adjusted. Going forward, Lender Statistics will display a value.
 -When attempting to download records from a previously created list, going to the full record from the list displayed the “Add to Download Cart” option but the record was not actually added to the cart; a message stating “Item could not be added” displayed. This has been corrected.
-The search results display would sometimes change views, from Gallery to List, when performing a new search from a full record view. This has been corrected.
-Holdings statements did not always display correctly in the “Where to Find It” section of the full record, depending on the search resources selected. Holdings statements will now display consistently regardless of search resources used.
-When search resources are displayed as links, clicking the link to view that resource would also un-check the resource, requiring another click to include it in a search. This is corrected.

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