February 5, 2021

January 2021 ILL Activity

During January 2021 there were 8,424 requests filled through the NHAIS ILL System by 218 separate libraries. This included 5,768 unique titles, 5,157 of which were requested a single time. In January 2020 (before all the shut-downs) there were 14,772 requests filled in the system by 223 libraries. Our number of participating libraries is nearly back to where it was (and in fact 9 libraries restarted ILL since mid-January) but the number of requests is down (not really surprising). 

Most of the filled requests in January 2021 were for books (86%). Visual materials made up 11% of the total and all other material types (sound recordings, serials, etc.) contributed 3%.

As far as the specific titles requested, the chart below shows frequently requested titles during January along with information about how successful those requests were. Except for Braiding Sweetgrass (I'm not sure why it is so popular; it was big in October too) there is a clear connection between the age of the title and the success libraries have borrowing it through the NHAIS ILL system.


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