March 30, 2021

Default addresses in request form

The NHAIS Help Desk has lately seen two cases of borrowers changing the address information at the bottom of the ILL request form. Van 1, Van 2, and Default (City, State are all required fields but please leave them as is.

The form was built with postal addresses in mind and getting our van addresses to work in the system leads to the default entries you see. (Libraries that do not get direct van service will see the Van 3 field filled in as well.)

The only two fields you need to fill in when creating a request are Patron's Contact Info and Patron's Last Name. The program doesn't really care what you put in those fields but you need to enter something in order to submit the request. Other fields are optional, like Patron's First Name or Borrower's Notes, and you can change the Need by date if necessary--it's currently defaulting to 45 days from when the request is created.

If you have further questions about this please contact the NHAIS Help Desk at 271-2141 or via e-mail.

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