March 5, 2021

Known issues in the NHAIS ILL System

Program updates with fixes and enhancements are loaded to the NHAIS ILL System every two or three weeks, usually on a Tuesday or Thursday night. This post notes issues that have been reported to Auto-Graphics but have yet to be fixed.

-A handful of requests in the past month are known to have gone unfilled with the message "lender title does not match requested title" at each location in the request history, as in this example:

 4. NHHRXX,system
   Change: 2/10/2021 4:32:46 PM, Skip
   Notes: Lender title (escape) does not match requested title (harriet dvd). - lender NHHRXX skipped.
 3. NHHSXX,system
   Change: 2/10/2021 4:32:45 PM, Skip
   Notes: Lender title (escape) does not match requested title (harriet dvd). - lender NHHSXX skipped.

Auto-Graphics has found the source of the problem and plans to install a fix next week.

-There have been several enhancements in recent months aimed at speeding up the display of search results and there are still more changes to come on this front. Note that, when searching all Z-targets configured in the NHAIS ILL System, SHAREit no longer automatically adds results after the initial list of results is displayed. For now you need to wait for all catalogs to be searched (you can watch the "Searching ### resources" countdown near the top right of the screen) and then click the Add to Results button if you want to see what else was found. A modification adding an Add to Results Now button is expected later this month.

-Until recently, OCLC numbers could be searched using just the numbers. Now, you need to include the 2- or 3-letter prefix in order for the search to work. Auto-Graphics is currently testing a proposed fix for this problem. Meanwhile, here's what you need to add so OCLC number searches will return valid results: for numbers with 10 or more digits add the prefix on, for numbers with 9 digits add the prefix ocn, and for numbers with 8 or fewer digits add the prefix ocm--but, if there are 1 to 7 digits in the number, zero-fill at the front to make a total of 8 digits. So:  28 becomes ocm00000028, 42354631 is searched as ocm42354631, 270167397 is ocn270167397, and 1178869820 is on1178869820.

-The horizontally stretched cover images seen in the Brief view have also been reported to Auto-Graphics.

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