April 8, 2021

New ILL enhancments Thu 4/8

The NHAIS ILL System will be offline for up to 15 minutes tonight (Thursday, April 8) starting at 10 o'clock to install program updates. Among the fixes and enhancements:

-The lender list build process has been adjusted to address inconsistencies that could result in libraries not being included even when they had an available copy; this was often seen on multi-copy requests.

-A long search term will now scroll to the left, so the “X” and magnifying glass will remain visible:


-When in Your Lists, users will now be able to rename a list by clicking the “Edit” icon or the list name:

Enter the new name and click the Tab key, the Edit icon, or anywhere outside of the name field to see a “Save Successful” message. If a list already exists with that name, you’ll see an error message stating that a duplicate name already exists and you should use a different name. Also, the list name will now display as just the name rather than, for the example above, “Your Cats and Dogs List.”

-In Advanced Search, the “or” was functioning as an “and” operator. This has been corrected. Note that Advanced Search is reliable only for records in the NHU-PAC catalog. Many of the sophisticated searches available in Advanced Search won't work with Z-targets because of limitations of Z39.50 functionality.

-A Notes search (available under Advanced Search) will now retrieve terms solely from the MARC 5XX fields, which will provide more focused results. Previously, a Notes search was forwarded to the General Keyword index so non-Notes fields were included in the results.

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