April 21, 2021

Slowness in NHAIS ILL System

Occasionally the NHAIS Help Desk hears from users about slowness in the NHAIS ILL System. Sometimes it's a transient network issue. If the complaint concerns the wait for search results from Z-targets, that's a known issue that Auto-Graphics is working on. But if the issue is clicking on options in the ILL program and seeing the system "hang" and it's happening regularly, that usually involves security settings in either the user's browser or network firewall. The simplest "fix" often involves using a different browser and seeing if the ILL site responds better.

Another approach is to test different security settings in your preferred browser. Here are some things you can try in different browsers, none of them guaranteed to work but all worth checking if you're having a problem. In Firefox, try turning off the Enhanced Tracking Protection when you're at the NHAIS ILL System site.

In Edge, try Settings > Privacy, search and services and set Tracking Prevention to Balanced. If Balanced is already selected, look below it for Exceptions and add *.agshareit.com to the list of sites allowing all tracking.

In Chrome, go to Options > Settings > Privacy & Security > Cookies and other site data and add an exception to allow cookies for *.agshareit.com.

If you're still having problems, send an e-mail to the NHAIS Help Desk or call 271-2141. We can suggest other things you or your IT support can check.

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