July 28, 2021

Workaround for updated Chrome browser

As noted yesterday, a recent update to the Chrome browser has interfered with some of the functionality of SHAREit. The problem appears when you should have a "continuation dialog box" come up to confirm information, such as an ILL need-by date expired dialog box failing to display.

Auto-Graphics has issued the following instructions to bypass the problem:

As a result of Chrome Version 92.0.4515.107 not just Auto-Graphics but all users of Chrome have been impacted.  The Chrome upgrade is preventing the continuation dialog box from displaying.

If your Chrome version automatically updated and you wish to continue using Chrome please follow the instructions below to suppress the issue:

Run Chrome with special command:  (It is suggested that Chrome be closed before performing the following steps)

  1. Open the RUN dialog box by pressing [WindowsKey + R ]
  2. Copy and paste (or type) the following command:

chrome.exe --disable-features="SuppressDifferentOriginSubframeJSDialogs"

 3. Press OK

This will launch Chrome bypassing the latest change made on chrome version 92 which is hampering the display of popup messages.

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