November 15, 2021

Following up on recent enhancements

A few items related to recent enhancements to the NHAIS ILL System...

-After the Add More From These Libraries message was added to the bottom of search results pages in September, we said we wanted to have this removed as it served no useful purpose in our system. The message is now gone.

-The new Renewed by Lender status initially appeared near the bottom of the borrower side of the Request Manager screen, under the terminal statuses like Expired and Complete. We've moved it up to be next to other renewal statuses.

While Renewed by Lender allows the lender to change a Due Date without the borrower submitting a renewal request, it only applies after the borrower has received the item. For requests still in Shipped status, lenders should use Undo Shipped to change the Due Date as long as they catch it the same day the request has moved into that status. In the works is an extension of the Undo Shipped option to seven days.

-Also in the works are more undo options. Five undo functions have been added since June and three others are on the way: Undo Recall and Undo Conditional for the lender and Undo Received - Non-returnables for the borrower.

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