June 8, 2023

Borrower/Lender statistics reports

If you rely on the Borrower Statistics or Lender Statistics reports to get a snapshot of your activity in the NHAIS ILL System, you may find yourself wondering about the distinctions between Requests filled and Items received in the Borrower Statistics or Requests filled and Items supplied in the Lender Statistics. They're different but as long as you track the same category from week to week or month to month you'll have useful numbers to follow.

On the borrower side, Requests filled shows the number of requests submitted by your library that were updated to Shipped by a lender during the week or month specified. Items received shows the number of requests you updated to Received during that week or month.

On the lender side, Requests filled shows the number of items returned to and checked in by you during the week or month specified (for non-returnables, it's the number of requests updated to Received by the borrower). Items supplied shows the number of requests you updated to Shipped during that week or month. Requests may have been created outside of the specified period and each event is only counted once for your location so there's no overlap of counts between different weekly or monthly periods.

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