March 13, 2024

ILL routing slips

I know I have talked about this before in the past, but I thought I’d mention it again.

I’ve been getting feedback from our van drivers about the routing slips sometimes not being labeled correctly.

For instance a book going to Stratham for Newington isn’t labeled that it should go to Stratham, it just says Newington. Please make sure to put the van stop first so the slip says: Stratham for Newington.

Another example is Cornish, The slip should say: to: Meriden for Cornish.

If we pick up these books along the route early enough they could have been delivered along the way, but the drivers don’t know that Cornish goes to Meriden, or Newington gets their delivery via Stratham and it could have been delivered that day, instead it comes back to the State Library then is put into the correct bin (hopefully) and will be delivered the next time. If the routing slips are labeled correctly it may speed up the process a little, and hopefully less mistakes will happen.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Jill M Witham
Van Service Coordinator
New Hampshire State Library

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