May 8, 2024

NHSL Learning Pathways LibGuide

Please find here a resource for library employees, The goal of this LibGuide is to centralize many of the excellent training videos already created by the NHSL staff as well as curate other learning opportunities for newly hired staff or for staff who have new job responsibilities.

My hope is that this LibGuide will serve as a resource for libraries that are training library staff AND serve as an opportunity for all of us to check and refresh our professional knowledge and skills. My intention is for this to be a “living” resource that will be updated and maintained regularly.

If you see any glitches or problems, please do reach out. In addition, if you are aware of some resources that might be helpful to add or if you think of topics that could also be covered (I’m already working on a Reader’s Advisory pathway—shoutout to Alexa Moore at Amherst!), please let me know.

Thank you all for the great work you are doing in the NH library community.

All my best,

Mindy Atwood
Assistant State Librarian :: Administrator of Library Operations
New Hampshire State Library

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