June 13, 2024

ILL enhancements Thu 6/13

The NHAIS ILL System will be offline briefly tonight (Thursday, June 13) starting at 10 o'clock to install software updates.

-Currently there are several pages where the cursor automatically focuses on the Simple Search bar. This default behavior is being removed to enhance Section 508 accessibility compliance, as the auto-focus was interfering with the "Skip To" linking functionality. Note that pages with a specific need for auto-focus--such as the login screen, where the cursor focuses on the Username/Barcode field--are not being changed.

-The Subject Search index is being enhanced to include additional subject access points from MARC records, improving search results for individuals with numeration in their names.

600    1 0     a Wainwright, Loudon, c III, d 1946-
600    1 0     a Hammerstein, Oscar, c II, d 1895-1960.


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