July 16, 2024

337 - Media Type

This is another tag that came into the MARC record as part of RDA

According to BF&S Media Type "reflects the general type of intermediation device required to view, play, run, etc., the content of a resource." 

Like the 334 and 336 tags, it can only contain terms that are part of an RDA vocabulary list. In this case it is the Media Type list

These are all the options available for tag 337, subfield a:

  • audio - a media type used to store recorded sound, designed for use with a playback device such as a turntable, audiocassette player, CD player, or MP3 player

  • microform - a media type used to store reduced-size images not readable to the human eye, designed for use with a device such as a microfilm or microfiche reader

  • computer - a media type used to store electronic files, designed for use with a computer (a website would be included here, or a piece of streaming media on the internet)

  • microscopic - a media type used to store minute objects, designed for use with a device such as a microscope to reveal details invisible to the naked eye

  • projected - a media type used to store moving or still images, designed for use with a projection device such as a motion picture film projector, slide projector, or overhead projector

  • stereographic - a media type used to store pairs of still images, designed for use with a device such as a stereoscope or stereograph viewer to give the effect of three dimensions

  • unmediated - a media type used to store content designed to be perceived directly through one or more of the human senses without the aid of an intermediating device (this fancy term boils down to a thing you can just see, like a book or a magazine)

  • video - a media type used to store moving or still images, designed for use with a playback device such as a videocassette player or DVD player.

Subfield 2 contains the "Source of term" code, which will be rdamedia. 

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