August 20, 2024

New ILL fill rate report Tue 8/20

The NHAIS ILL System will be offline briefly starting at 10 o'clock tonight (Tuesday, Aug. 20) to install program updates.

-Beta reports can now be downloaded in Excel as well as PDF format. Click the Download button to select and download the desired format.

-A new Fill Rate Statistics report is being added to Reports (beta). The report, designed to provide insight into the efficiency of ILL fulfillment, includes:

1. The number of requests that were created in the specified timeframe, with the number that were processed vs. the number still in a processing status.

2. The number of created requests that were processed, which determines the Fill Rate (Filled vs. Not Filled.)

3. The number of requests that were Created, Processed, are in a Processing status, were Filled and Not Filled.

4. A list of the specific statuses, with the count and percentage, of the requests currently in a Processing status. The Processing statuses will include those at the borrowing library, e.g., Awaiting Approval plus those currently with the lending library, e.g., Pending. Only those statuses with active requests will be listed.

5. The Filled Requests will be broken out by requests that were filled within the NHAIS ILL System or from outside sources. That's a feature our system is not currently configured for so expect to see counts of zero for "ISSI" and "Non SHAREit" sources.

6. A list of the specific statuses, with the count and percentage, of requests that were sent to a lender but were not filled, e.g. are in Retry or Unfilled status.

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