September 5, 2024

A further fix for lender list build issues Thu 9/5 10pm

While most of the recent issues causing valid lenders in the NHAIS ILL System to be left off lender lists have been fixed, a few circumstances remain that will be addressed tonight (Thursday Sept. 4). The system will be offline briefly starting at 10 p.m. to install the software update.

The situations listed below will be fixed so the lender list build process should work as it did prior to the July 18 update:
-The default scoping of the requesting library was used so not all potential lenders were found.
-When a source record (selected by the borrower to create the request) lacks a standard identifier (ISBN, LCCN, etc.) and the lender search was conducted for Title and Author, the publisher verification failed.
-Many Z-targets do not support all search attributes; when a search was done for a Title and Author match, it would fail if that search was not supported.

Also part of tonight's update: the beta reports Borrowing Statistics and Lending Statistics will include totals for the request statuses in the table to reflect the totals provided in the bar chart.

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