February 19, 2025

How Do You Do Dewey?

The Dewey Decimal Classification is managed by OCLC which offers an electronic version known as WebDewey. This product gives you electronic access to all the tools you need to use the DDC. You can learn more by viewing the downloadable demo.

The NHSL has negotiated a group subscription to this resource to make it available to NH public libraries at a reduced cost. Each participating library gets one authorization number and password which allows them to log in to WebDewey. This authorization may be used by multiple staff at each participating library, though not simultaneously. Libraries may share their access with another library if they wish to do so, but the authorizations only support one user at a time and a single library must sign the agreement and pay the full invoice to NHSL.

The NHSL subscription runs from May 1 to April 30 and you need to sign up BEFORE March 20, 2025 to get the discounted rate of $325 per authorization.  

To sign up (whether you are continuing a previous subscription or starting a new one) please complete the NHSL WebDewey form and return it to NHSL/NHAIS before 3/20/2025.


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