March 9, 2021

Changes to NHAIS ILL System coming Tue. 3/9

A number of fixes and enhancements are coming to the NHAIS ILL System tonight (Tuesday, March 9). The site will be offline for about 15 minutes starting at 10 p.m. to install the updates.

-Currently, the page and total number of results is displayed thus:

With this release, the total number of results will appear like this:

How will you know which page of results you're looking at? That information is still at the bottom of the page:

An enhancement expected in coming weeks will add page information to the top of the screen as well.

-When a  search, usually with Z-targets, takes longer than 5 seconds, the button will now say “Add to Results Now” and the “Ignore” button will not display. If a user clicks to view a record or clicks to Request or add an item to a list, the additional results will be automatically added.

-If a user had a large number of lists in Your Lists, there was no easy way to scroll to the bottom of the list of lists without also losing sight of the titles on the right side of the screen. With this release:
1.    A scroll bar has been added to the list of list names
2.    A scroll bar has been added to the right of the titles in the list
3.    The options to Select/Clear, Delete, Print, etc., will not scroll off the page when viewing titles lower on the list

-The trash can icon, used to delete an option as a Quick Link, will move to the far right. It has been next to the cross used to change the order of Quick Links, which could cause accidental deletions.

-Multiple reports of title/author mismatches on lender lists have been resolved, including the error that generated the "Lender title (ABC) does not match requested title (XYZ)" message in the request history.

-When viewing lists of requests in the Request Manager, one of the column options is “LastStatusChgDate.” The displayed date was using the last time a staff member manually applied a status change. That has been corrected so that the date of the last update, whether manually applied or system-applied, will be used and displayed.

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