NHU-PAC classes in Haverhill Oct. 10, Concord Oct. 24
Classes in searching, cataloging, and ILL'ing with the NHU-PAC will be offered October 10 at the James R. Morrill Municipal Building (town offices) in Haverhill and October 24 at the State Library in Concord. For more information and to sign up, use our new online registration system. Choose a class and click View. You'll see details and options to sign up for that class, add the class to a cart (allowing you to add other classes before signing up), or continue browsing for other classes. If you have any questions about this new sign-up procedure, please contact the NHAIS Help Desk at 271-2141 or NetworkS@library.state.nh.us.
Anyone who signed up for classes in the past week should have received a confirmation message by now. You'll receive a separate message for each class; if you thought you were signing up for three classes and received only one confirmation, please get in touch with the NHAIS Help Desk.
Directions for training sites are available here.