Van Delivery Service, late September/October
The NH State Library has NO scheduled holidays for the month of October. Van Delivery will be running daily, Monday through Friday. If your library is closed on Columbus Day, Monday, October 8, 2007, and the van driver does not have a key to your library, you may want to make alternate arrangements, especially if you are a once a week stop.
For a complete list of all of the holidays the State Library is closed, please visit (the van delivery instructions) and scroll down to "NO Van Service".
Also, beginning tomorrow, I will be on vacation through October 15th. If you have extra boxes to be picked up/delivered, or other Van Delivery Service issues that cannot wait until I return, please contact the Circulation Desk (271-2616).
Substitute Drivers will be making van deliveries on the following dates in late September/October:
September 28 - Capital District and Lakes Region route
October 1st - Lakes Region route.
October 3rd - Southwestern route
October 5 - Capital District and Lakes Region route
October 12 - Lakes Region route and Southwestern Route B
October 15 - Lakes Region route
October 16 - Southeastern Route B
The vans may (more than likely) be running a little later than normal on these dates.
Diana DeCota
NH State Library