February 4, 2020

Awaiting Approval

As a borrower in the NHAIS ILL System, you may sometimes see requests in Awaiting Approval status. These need your attention--otherwise they'll just sit at your location, never to be seen by potential lenders.

You have the following choices:
Approved - Send -- The status changes to Pending and the request immediately begins working its way down the lender list
Cancel -- The status changes to Cancelled and you need do nothing further
Delete -- The request is flagged for deletion, which will happen during overnight processing

Awaiting Approval is the mechanism that lets libraries that allow patron-initiated requests review and approve or deny those requests before they're seen by potential lenders. Even if your location doesn't have patron-initiated requests, you may see requests in this status when the system determines that your library already owns a copy of the item being requested--that's indicated by the little house icon to the left of the title on the Borrower's Awaiting Approval List.

Awaiting Approval should not be confused with Awaiting Lenders. You'll see the latter briefly at the top of the borrower side of the Request Manager page just after a request has been submitted. Awaiting Lenders goes away after the lender list is built, usually within a minute, and needs no action by the borrower.

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