May 14, 2021

The first NHSL ARPA formulaic sub-grant round application is LIVE!

Lori Fisher, Administrator of Library Operations / Assistant State Librarian, New Hampshire State Library announced on the nhais-L listserv today:

The following have also been added to the NHSL ARPA web page (along with a link to the first sub-grant round application):

  •  Application guidelines document (pdf) – walks through each piece of the application with detail
  • Teams Office Hour Question Sessions Schedule & Links (pdf) – multiple sessions per week with Lori
  • Spreadsheet sign up link for one-on-one 30 minute time slots with Deb, Bobbi, Mike or me for application assistance  - multiple time slots each week through 6/17
  • Reimbursement form (pdf)
  • Request for Grant Amendment form (pdf)

 As a reminder, I am going on vacation all of next week (yippee!) but will be back in the office on Monday 5/24 and jumping back into sub-grant assistance with both feet.  If your question is not super-time-sensitive, I recommend holding off on emailing me any individual questions and determining if you can ask your question during an Office Hour session during the week of 5/24.  You all know what email looks like after you have been out for a week – I just don’t want to lose anyone’s question during that time. 

My advice for the week of 5/16 to all libraries planning to apply to receive the funding allocated for your library:

1.       Take some time to read through the grant guidelines document

2.       Create or verify your log in to Submittable

3.       Start addressing the parts of the application that will take your library more time (Narrative? Getting the Certificate of Good Standing if your library is a non-profit or you are using a fiscal agent that is a non-profit? Other?)

4.       When you run into a question, write it down. Assemble all of your questions as you move through the application.  Then you’ll have a good sense if you want to pop into an Office Hours session for a quick question, or if you should schedule a one-on-one 30  minute session with one of us at NHSL.

5.       Sign up for a one-on-one session through the spreadsheet link shared on the web page, or note what Office Hour session you want to attend the week of 5/24. Anyone who signs up for a one-on-one session will be sent a virtual meeting link at least a day before the session date/time if you have signed up more than 24 hours in advance of that date/time.

This grant application will be open through 6/18/2021 – that’s five weeks, and plenty of time to answer your questions and submit your application.

 Happy Friday!



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