October 22, 2021

Never mind the zeroes

Friday, Oct. 22: This morning the NHAIS ILL System is showing a lot of zeroes on the brief view page even when there are holdings available. Don't let that stop you from choosing a record and creating a request.

The search results page (where holdings are merged or clustered) shows copies held as normal...

...but for many titles you need to go to the brief view page before you can create a request. In brief view, the numbers in parentheses should reflect available copies (for Z-targets configured to report availability status) or copies held (for all other catalogs) but today it's just showing zeroes.

Even with all the zeroes, choose a record and create your request. After your request is submitted, the lender list build process does its own searching of all catalogs in the system to determine which potential lenders will see your request.

This issue has been reported to Auto-Graphics.

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