December 17, 2021

Shipping label bug

Friday, Dec. 17: As expected, some minor changes to the appearance of shipping labels in the NHAIS ILL System are evident following last night's program update. With those changes, though, comes a bug that means requests won't move off the view of unprinted requests as usual.

In Print Shipping Labels, when unprinted labels are selected, expected behavior is for the screen to refresh when "Format to Print" is clicked and the selected labels are moved from the Unprinted view to the Printed view. The automatic refresh is not occurring; the newly printed requests will still display on the screen and will be checked as "Selected."

A fix is in the works and currently targeted for installation January 4. Until then, there are a few workarounds if you aren't just selecting and printing everything at once. Closing and re-opening Print Shipping Labels will refresh the page, as will changing the view from Unprinted to Printed and back again.

You could also click that left-pointing arrow on the right side of the Print Shipping Labels page, which brings up a short menu that includes a Refresh button. That will refresh the page and move any requests that were selected to be printed from the Unprinted queue to the Printed list.

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