October 31, 2022

Blank pages and duplicate links

Monday, Oct. 31, 11:35 a.m.: Last week's issue with occasional blank pages after clicking on a search result in the NHAIS ILL System continues, as does this workaround:

If you come to a page which is blank except for the Go Back message, click on that message.

On the previous page, select Group By and choose No Grouping.

The problem has been tied to selecting a title/format in merged or clustered view where one of the underlying records has no holdings. Auto-Graphics is working on this.

Also being worked on: the links to information pages that appear near the top of the screen. In the past week, some of the links have appeared twice, some have disappeared and then reappeared, and right now if you're logged in you'll see one particular link repeated in such a way that it appears NHAIS is in urgent distress. Such is not the case but we certainly look forward to getting this fixed.

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