November 9, 2022

ILL matching enhancement

The NHAIS ILL System will be offline briefly tonight (Wednesday, Nov. 9) starting at 10 o'clock for installation of a program update.

The matching procedures for the lender list build process that happens right after you submit a new request and for the availability check that happens just before a request is sent to a potential lender are being adjusted to follow the same criteria. This will avoid a problem we've occasionally seen where a location was added to a lender list based on an ISBN (or other standard number) match and then skipped because the availability check showed a slight discrepancy in how the titles were listed. The request history showed "Lender title does not match requested title -- lender skipped." This was especially a problem with series titles.

The issue leading to a mostly blank screen with just the "Go back to search results" message showing continues to be worked on. Use the workaround mentioned in a previous post while we await a fix for this.

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