September 10, 2024

508/511 - Creation/Production Credits and Patricipant/Performer Notes

These tags are similar to a basic contents note in that the entire note goes into a single subfield a and that the rules for punctuation in the tag are defined in the BF&S entry for the specific tag.

The 508 tag contains a "note about the credits for individuals or organizations (other than members of a cast) who have participated in the artistic or technical production of the work to a significant degree." There are no indicators defined for this tag. A few examples:

  • 508    Videographer/editor: Steve Giordani.  
  • 508     Directed by Ron Goodwin, produced by Paul Lally.
  • 508     Edited by Rikk Desgres ; music by John Kimbrough, Keith Jones.
  • 508     Cinematography, Buddy Squire, Ken Burns ; supervising film editor, Paul Barnes ; editors, Paul Barnes (episode 1), Sandra Marie Christie (episodes 2, 8), Lewis Erskine (episodes 3, 9), Craig Mellish (episode 3), Erik Ewers (episodes 4, 7), Tricia Reidy (episodes 5, 10), Sarah E. Hill (episodes 5, 10), Shannon Robards (episode 5), Aaron Vega (episode 6). 
  • 508      Editing, John Gfroerer ; research, John Gfroerer, Virginia Eskin.

The 511 tag contains a "note about the participants, players, narrators, presenters or performers." The first indicator for this tag determines whether or not the label "cast" will display. The second indicator is undefined. Some examples:

  • 511  0   Anchor, Jean Mackin.
  • 511  0   Hosted by John Clayton.
  • 511  0   Read by Donald Hall.
  • 511  0   Rodney Miller, fiddle ; Bob McQuillen, accordion, piano
  • 511  0   Narrator, Keith David ; various other presenters, including Wynton Marsalis.

 You will find both of these tags used in the record for the film On Golden Pond.

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