2022 ILL stats going away
Each New Year's Day, old statistics are purged from the NHAIS ILL System. If you need ILL stats from 2022, be sure to download them by December 31. Statistical information is retained in the ILL program for the current year plus the previous 2 full calendar years, even for requests that have been deleted. Starting January 1 the stats will cover transactions from 2023 through 2025.
If you need a quick count of your loans and borrows, go to Staff Dashboard > Statistics > Activity and Request Reports, enter a date range, choose a format (HTML is usually fastest), choose Net Activity, and click Submit.
While most of the reports available in the system give you counts of loans and borrows for a certain period, if you're interested in details like title, author, format, date/time of request creation, and final disposition of the request, check out the reports called Request Records (for your borrowing activity) or Lender Response Records (for your lending activity).
The Request Records and Lender Response Records reports are only available as spreadsheets so you must select EXCEL as the output format.If you use the new reports--formerly under Reports (beta) and now under Reports (new)--note that they will let you enter dates from outside the valid ranges. You may see results for transactions that were never completed but these numbers will not be an accurate reflection of your total ILL activity.
A 12-minute video on Finding Your ILL Statistics is available on YouTube. Still have questions? Contact the NHAIS Help Desk by e-mail or phone 603-271-2141.
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