March 22, 2021

Annual report update

I wanted to thank the 50 libraries that have already submitted their annual report. That puts me at almost a quarter of libraries.  Not bad, but I hope to see more in the coming week. I know that the deadline isn’t until May, but I extended it in the hopes that the submissions would be more spread out and not all crammed in at the end. Remember, I’m always here to answer any questions… except on Thursdays, when I’m out on the road doing ILL.  Still, I will get back to you.

The only issues I’ve noticed with people’s submissions so far are the following:

·         Your Public Service Hours should not be the same as last year. You have to deduct the hours for the weeks that you were closed from the total. Remember, if you were only doing curbside service and the public could not enter the building, those hours do not count toward your Public Service Hours.

·         Unfortunately, there is no place to record the number of patrons who took a take-and-make kit that people put together when their buildings were closed. They don’t meet the definition of program attendance or visits.

·         For Physical Circulation, remember that Children’s & YA Circ. are separate. Those numbers should still be included in their respective print, audio, video, or other circulation numbers.

·         If you didn’t have any capital revenue or expenditures, those should be marked as zero (0), not “Unavailable.’

That’s about all I can remember right now.  Again, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Tim Rohe
Reference Librarian/State Data Coordinator
New Hampshire State Library

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