March 16, 2021

ILL Statistics for the PLAR

One of the things that NH libraries need to include in the Public Library Annual Report is a count of how many loans and how many borrows they made via ILL during their most recently ended fiscal year. For most NH libraries that will be the calendar year 2020. 

Here is how you can get that info for the transactions made within the NHAIS ILL System:

  1.  Go to the NHAIS ILL system and log in as an ILL user 
  2. Go to the "Staff Dashboard" 
  3. Click on the "Statistics" menu
  4. Click on "Activity and Request Reports" (the first item on the Statistics Menu)
  5. Complete the query form for what you want to know:
    • Date Range will be the start and end dates of your Fiscal Year (use the mm/dd/yyyy format)
    • Select Format will be HTML (this will show the info on your screen)
    • Under Select Report Type check "Net Activity" and nothing else
    • Select Libraries will have your library listed by default, leave everything in that section as it is
    • Click the SUBMIT button at the top right of the screen
  6. The results screen that displays includes your total loans and total borrows at the top.

    NHSL's 2020 Activity

For additional info about ILL stats, check out the video Finding Your ILL Statistics.

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