April 26, 2021

NHAIS ILL is Working Pretty Well

There were 212 complete responses from NHAIS ILL participants to our recent survey about how NHAIS ILL is working for NH libraries and the results show that overall the system is working well.

For those responding "Find SOME" they reported they go to the NHAIS-ILL listserv or to OCLC to try to fill the request for items they couldn't find.

In cases where only SOME requests are filled the only pattern observed was "This usually happens when only one library is listed per record. Multiple records of the same item with one library listed for each."

For libraries that reported being able to fill only SOME requests, half of them reported that this was because the requested items were too new; the remainder were because the items were in use or because of issues with the accuracy or physical availability of their holdings. 

The final question in the survey was about the need for additional training. The majority of respondents (86%) felt that no additional training was needed. We will be addressing the comments about specific training needs in another blog post later this week.

Thank you to everyone who completed our survey!

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