April 27, 2021

Changes to ILL program Tue 4/27

The NHAIS ILL System will be offline for up to 15 minutes starting at 10 o'clock tonight (Tuesday, April 27) to install program updates. The following fixes and enhancements are part of this release:

-The recently introduced hit-count drop-down has had some adjustments made so catalog names and hit counts will appear in separate columns and non-responsive targets will display an "alert" icon.

Remember that you may need to click the Add to Results Now button after all Z-targets are searched to see results from all catalogs in the system. You may still sometimes see odd numbers in the totals at the top like "Showing 152 of 20 results"--that's an issue that's still being worked on.

-Date options in the facets (on left of search results page) will show 2021 TO * where appropriate instead of ending with 2011 TO *.

-Some enhancements have been made to help when processing and downloading attachments (such as copies of magazine articles) in the system. A prompt will display as a reminder to attach a file to non-returnable requests when marking them Shipped or when marking a returnable request as Shipped (non-returnable). If a file needs to be attached, clicking the Cancel button will allow the attachment to be added; if a file does not need to be attached, clicking OK will ship the request as is. The message will display in the full request record as that is where the upload function is available; it will not display if the staff member is processing requests in the request list view.

Also, a clear message will display with the number of downloads remaining for electronic attachments. Patrons will see the message in Your Account when logged in, those not logged in will see the message in their Request Tracking, and logged-in staff will see the message on the full request record. The message will include the number of downloads remaining and the expiration date (if applicable) as in these examples:
•    There are unexpired downloads remaining: 5 downloads remaining until 5/9/2021
•    There are no downloads remaining, regardless of expiration date: 0 downloads remaining
•    The download access has expired, regardless of downloads remaining: Download access expired 3/11/2021

-A system “overflow” error, while rarely encountered, would prevent staff from processing requests. This has been corrected by an adjustment in the overnight processing routine.

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