April 30, 2021

Survey Results - Training Needs

In my post about the NHAIS ILL user survey earlier this week I mentioned that most respondents felt they did not need additional training. There were requests included in the responses for some specific topics to be addressed. Many of these were very specific questions and over the next month or two we will be publishing blog posts that address these topics. 

There were also responses that fell into a few broad categories:

#1 - Things that you should contact the NHAIS Help Desk about
Not remembering your password for the system or a failure of your local system to accept records downloaded from NHAIS (both of which were mentioned in survey responses as training needs) are things you should contact the NHAIS Help Desk about. Call 603-271-2141 between 8&4, Monday to Friday and someone will be available to help you. You can also email us at nhu-pac@dncr.nh.gov any time. Things you need a reminder of how to do can also be addressed by the Help Desk.

#2 - Requests for basic training for new staff and refreshers on basics of the system
All the elements of the system are covered in a series of online videos that we created to get libraries up-to-speed on using the system. These are available at https://www.nhsl.dncr.nh.gov/librarians/nhais-help-desk/nhais-training and are grouped into two series, required and optional, in the suggested order for training a new user of the NHAIS ILL System. The specific topics are in their own videos (printing shipping labels, and finding ILL statistics, for example) so you can watch just the one you need a refresher on. 

#3 -  Live training so staff can ask questions
All the training for the various aspects of the system would take a full day (or more) to cover and the component videos that you can watch on your own schedule as needed seems like a much better use of everyone's time. It is often helpful to be able to ask questions though, or to see a specific workflow issue that you are having trouble with walked through. This is always available from the NHAIS Help Desk (see #1 above). Additionally, we are going to offer a Q&As with NHAIS session on Wednesday, May 19, 2021 from noon - 1:00 PM. If this proves successful as a model we will schedule additional dates and times. This will be a real-time online session with NHAIS staff where you can ask questions and we will demonstrate things in the system based on those questions. If you wish to attend this session  PLEASE REGISTER before 4pm on May 12.

[This post edited 1/16/24 to update a link.]


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