March 19, 2024

New reports for the NHAIS ILL System

New report options will be available in the NHAIS ILL System following a program update tonight (Tuesday, March 19). The system will be offline briefly starting at 10 p.m. to update the software.

Several fixes are also part of tonight's update:

-The "Add to Your List" feature hasn't been working for titles retrieved from Z39.50 search resources. This has been corrected.

-Appropriate values have not been showing in the "ILL Lender?" column in the full record display’s “Where to Find It” box when viewing union catalog (NHU-PAC) records. This has been corrected.

-A recent update saw many requests go into Not-Received/Overdue status but if the borrower returned materials without changing that status, there was no way for the lender to check in items and complete the transaction. This has been corrected so the same options available to lenders for Not Received materials are now available for Not-Received/Overdue items: Lost, Recall, or Check-In.

The new reports are for Lending Statistics, Borrowing Statistics, Net Activity, and Top Requested Titles. To see them, look for Reports (beta) at the top of the Staff Dashboard > Statistics menu. The four reports being introduced tonight are the first in a series of planned report releases.

-Each staff login can be configured to have its own favorite reports.

-Common date selection options are available with a simple click, while the Date Range box remains customizable.

-The Top Requested Titles report has format and number of result options.

-Reports are downloadable as PDFs.

You can still use all the old reports. Information about using them can be found in a YouTube video and in NHAIS Notes blog posts about Borrower Statistics and Lender Statistics reports, detailed reports with title information, and quick counts needed for the public library annual report.

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